Robert Szittay - sculptor






My work focuses on the study of man associated with everything characteristic of and innate to the human being and connecting every individual with the outside world. I also focus on the actual environment, perceiving it as an imaginary stage where the story of human existence unfolds, as the environment that significantly influences and shapes men.

I perceive the outside world as a place going through a continuous biological process, one of its alternatives being the human population. I am interested in the growing tension between man and nature whose uncompromising laws affect the survival of what is recessive. Of what would disappear in nature or was significantly suppressed, because “this” has a great value in human society and the ability to significantly influence its development.

I render the human being connected with the outside world, subordinated to its biological and psychological laws. A person who is happy, who suffers, who is concerned with the questions of existence and enjoys the ephemeral moments and constancy of eternity, a person who sees his own biological nature and sexuality, intensely experiencing births and deaths, love and disappointment. I explore these subjects as an artist. I am trying to arouse the feelings ranging in intensity from gentleness to annoyance and even roughness. Many of my sculptures are an expression of gravity, but I also like sarcasm, irony and humour.

The narrative of the sculpture Alter Ego, suggested by its title, is based on the relationship between two male figures, one of them being influenced by the other. I am trying to interpret the tension and meaning of this relationship in the anatomy of the human bodies, their overexposed bones, muscles, tendons and veins. The composition is conceived as a sculpture that can be viewed from all sides, a characteristic feature of most of my works. The material and colour enhance the overall sculptural expression.

Robert Szittay

130x85 cm Pocta Caravaggiovi, detail Hommage to Caravaggio, detail
sklolaminát, umelé vlasy, látka, plexisklo, laminate plaster, synthetic hair, canvas, plexiglass 2017
130x85 cm Pocta Caravaggiovi Hommage to Caravaggio
sklolaminát, umelé vlasy, látka, plexisklo, laminate plaster, synthetic hair, canvas, plexiglass 2017
54x67 cm Pocta Vélazquezovi Hommage to Vélazquez
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2016
63 cm Dievčatko Girl
laminát, silikón, sklo, laminate, plaster, 2016
46 cm Thriller detail Thriller detail
silikón, drevotireska, svetlo, silicone, plywood, light, 2016
33 cm Neobaroko Neobaroque
bronz, bronze, 2015
80 cm Hermes s Dionýzom Hermes and Dionysus
sádra, plaster, 2015
48 cm Downík Down
plaster, plaster, 2014
60 cm István a Sándorfi István and Sándorfi
sádra, plaster, 2014
10 cm Plastelínky Plasticine figures
plastelína, plasticine, 2014
115 cm Rozhovory s Messerschmidtom Talks with Messerschmidt
sádra, plaster, 2013
21 cm Torzo Torso
bronz, bronze, 2013
45 cm Bábo Baby
sádra, plaster, 2013
15 cm Pár Couple
bronz, bronze, 2013
72 cm Ilias XXL Ilias XXL
sádra, plaster, 2013
83 cm V ruke boha II In the hand of God II
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2013
45 cm Bolesť je sladká Pain is sweet
bronz, bronze, 2012
62x50 cm Fragmenty Fragments
laminát, drevo, laminate, wood, 2012
62x50 cm Okno do ľudskej komédie The human comedy
sádra, drevo, plaster, wood, 2012
35 cm Kam letíte potomkovia Noemovi? Where are you flying Noah's offsprings?
laminát, sádra, laminate, plaster, 2012
103 cm Maska kráľovnej The Queen's mask
sklolaminát, epoxy resin, 2012
115 cm Zlepená hlava XXL Glued up head XXL
sádra, plaster, 2011
54x67 cm Spievajúci chór Singing choir
epoxid, epoxide, 2011
23 cm Boží prst God's finger
bronz, bronze, 2011
90x80 x35 cm Hodina telocviku Physical education
bronz, bronze, 2010
36 cm Zrodenie Adama a Evy Nativity of Adam and Eva
epoxid, epoxide, 2010
23 cm Rev The roar
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2010
50 cm Anjelik Little angel
sádra, plaster, 2011
54 cm Anjel Angel
sádra, plaster, 2011
60 cm Hodina telocviku Gym
včelý vosk, beeswax, 2010
40 cm Schúlený Curled up
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2009
40 cm Schúlený Curled up
bronz, bronze, 2009
63x48 cm Spievajúci chór Singing choir
bronz, bronze, 2009
40 cm Janko Johny
kameň, stone, 2009
45 cm Rany Wounds
beton, cement, 2009
60 cm Spievajúce hlavy Singing Choir
sadra, plaster, 2009
80 cm Veľká ruka Large Hand
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2009
35 cm Zlepený model Sticking Model
sadra, plaster, 2009
20 cm Zlepená ženská hlavička Female sticking head
sadra, plaster, 2009
60 cm Úľ Beehive
sadra, plaster, 2009
95 cm Dvojica Couple
sadra, plaster, 2008
100 cm Stojaci Standing
sadra, plaster, 2008
130 cm Prebúdzanie Wake
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2008
100 cm Cesta k slobode Way to Freedom
sadra, plaster, 2008
55 cm Prosba dvoch pravých rúk Two right hands appeal
sadra, plaster, 2008
55 cm Ten kto hľadí Men who is looking
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2007
25 cm Vrabček Sparrow
bronz, bronze, 2006
20 cm Krok Pace
bronz, bronze, 2006
40 cm Hluk Noise
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2006
45 cm Portrét dievčaťa Young Girl Portrait
sadra, plaster, 2005
40 cm Plavec Swimmer
sadra, plaster, 2005
35 cm Vodič Driver
sadra, plaster, 2005
40 cm Medúza Medusa
sadra, plaster, 2005
20 cm Vanička Little Bath
bronz, bronze, 2004
20 cm Vanička Little Bath
polyester, polyester, 2004
40 cm Zlepená hlava Sticking Head
sadra, plaster, 2003
36 cm Zlepená hlava Glued up head
bronz, bronze, 2003
55 cm S.O.S. S.O.S.
sadra, plaster, 2002
110 cm Cisársky rez Caesarean Operation
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2002
200 cm Alter ego Alter ego
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2001
45 cm Model Alter ego Model Alter ego
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2001
60 cm Úder Stroke
drevo, wood, 2000
40 cm Autoportrét Self-portrait
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2000
70 cm Ruky nohy Hands and Legs
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2000
80 cm V atelieri In Atelier
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 2000
35 cm Rieka River
sadra, plaster, 1999
45 cm Hľadanie v sebe Looking for in myself
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 1999
110 cm Portret Petrucianiho Portrait of Petruciani
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 1998
50 cm Klavirista Pianist
sadra, plaster, 1998
45 cm Anjelik Little Angel
sklolaminát, laminate plaster, 1993


Solo exhibition

2014 Cabinet, Fontána Gallery, Piešťany

2013 Bodies, Synagogue – Centre of Contemporary Art, Ján Koniarek Gallery in Trnava

2013 Human Comedy, Gallery of Slovak Union of Visual Arts (SVU), Bratislava

2012 Anatomy of Humanity, M. A. Bazovský Gallery, Trenčín

2011 Faces of Matter, Saris Gallery Prešov

2011 Faces of Matter, Orava Gallery in Dolný Kubín

2011 Exhibition marking the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the bilingual section 

          of Ladislav Sára grammar school, Bratislava

2010 Sculptures in White, Club Artist Slovak Union of Visual Arts

Group exhibition

2017 l’art slovaque à la Cité internationale des arts, la recherche d’une identité, Paris

          Fall and notes,, Nitra Gallery

          90th anniversary of the first Arts House in Slovakia, Gallery of SVU, Bratislava

           l’art slovaque à la Cité internationale des arts, la recherche d’une identité, Paris

           slovaque à la Cité internationale des arts, la recherche d’une identité,  L’Institut francais de      

           Slovaquie et l’Association des artistes slovaques, Bratislava

           Bienniale of Little Format Sculpture, Trnava

           Venice Art Biennale 2017, PERSONAL STRUCTURES - open borders, Collateral event, Venezia,     


2016 SVS, Encounter, Slovak Radio, Bratislava

          Modern Art Slovakia, Kunst aus Trnava, Landesgalerie Burgenland

          Principium Finis, Robert Szittay and three painters, M. A. Bazovský Gallery, Trenčín

          SVS, Encounter, Slovak Institute in Prague

          Église de la Madeleine, Paris, France

2015 Memorial of Kolakovic Family competition, Gallery of SVU, Bratislava

          Memorial of Democratic Revolution competition, ARCHA Gallery, Bratislava

          White & Weiss Contemporary Art Auction, 23rd April

          Biennart, 1 st International Biennale of Arts in Umbria, Italy

          SVS, Encounter, Slovak Radio, Bratislava

          FOCUS Europa Exhibition, Neudrossenfeld, Germany

          33 rd. ART IN PARK 2015, Fontána Gallery, Piešťany

          ArtExpo June Barcelona 2015, ART in the World, Italy  & ADA ART Gallery, Spain

          Bienniale of Little Format Sculpture, Pezinok

          Sonda, Galerija Matice Hrvatske, Zagreb, Croatia

2014 PAF 9, Exhibition in Chelsea Old Town Hall, London

          Die Künstlerischen Parallelen, Das Slowakische Institut in Wien, Vienna

          Three Worlds, Pálffy Palace, Bratislava

          FOCUS Europa Kunst ohne Grenzen, Ján Koniarek Gallery in Trnava 

          SVS, Encounter, Slovak Radio, Bratislava

          ART IN PARK 2014, Exhibition hall, Piešťany 

          ART IN PARK 2014, Fontána Gallery, Piešťany

          House of Art, Piešťany, guest exhibition

          S.V.U. Mánes Diamant Gallery, and Aura, Prague

          5 th Bienniale of free Fine Art, Gallery of SVU, Bratislava

          White & Weiss Contemporary Art Auction & Exhibition, 20th November

          Chamber plastic selection of Slovak sculpture, M. A. Bazovský Gallery, Trenčín

          Artistic Parallels XIII, Pan European University, Faculty of Law, Bratislava

          Christmas Atelier, Gallery of SVU, Bratislava

2013 7.ICA.International Contemporary Art on the Plassenburg Castle in Kulmbach, Germany

          Art in Motion, EUROVEA Gallery, Bratislava

          ART IN PARK 2013, Exhibition hall, Piešťany 

          ART IN PARK 2013, Fontána Gallery, Piešťany

          St. Cyril and Metod, Reflection of History in Art, Koppel villa, Ján Koniarek Gallery in Trnava

          7. ICA. International Contemporary Art, FOCUS Europa Kunst ohne Grenzen, Bad Elster,    


          SVS Encounter, Members exhibition, Gallery of SVU, Bratislava

          IV. International exhibition "Art in Miniature", Majdan Art 2013, Majdanpek and Belgrade,     


          3 rd Bienniale of Little Format Sculpture, Pezinok

          Artistic Parallels XI, Slovak Radio, Bratislava

2012 Artistic Parallels X, Pan European University, Faculty of Law, Bratislava

          Art Competition International Olympic Committee, Bratislava

          Competition proposal of St. Cyril, Metod and Gorazd, Primate's Palace, Bratislava

          IV. Biennale of Free Art, House of Art, Bratislava        

          X. Triennale Small sculptures, reliefs and drawings, Jozef Kollár Gallery, Banská Štiavnica

          ART IN PARK 2012, Exhibition hall, Piešťany

          BURBULAS/BUBLINA/BUBLE/BURBULIS, Arka Gallery, Vilniuse, Lithuania, Riga, LMS Gallery,     


          25th UBE Biennale International Sculpture Competition, Tokiwa Lake Hall, Ube City Yamaguchi, 


2011 Homage to Vladimír Kompánek, Art Gallery, Bratislava

          Woman and Water, Waterworks Museum, Bratislava

          Homage to Picasso, French Institute, Bratislava

          BLAF, Design in Sculpture, Sculpture in Design, Max Klinger, Bratislava

2010 Sculpture and Object XV, Bratislava

          SVS Encounter, Art Gallery, Bratislava

          Artistic Parallels IX, Pan European University- Faculty of Law, Bratislava

2009 Encounter, Art Gallery, Bratislava

          Sculpture and Objekt XIV, International exhibition, Bratislava

          Tolerance in Art, Danubiana, Bratislava

          Exhibition of young artist, SVS, Bratislava

          Orava Gallery, Dolný Kubín- Trenčín 2008- Selection of Contemporary Slovak Sculpture

2008 SVS exhibition, Pálffy Palace, Bratislava

          Selection of Contemporary Slovak Sculpture, Trenčín

2007 SVS, Generation Encounter IV, Exhibition Hall UBS, Bratislava

          Interpretation of Reality, Art 2007, Art Gallery, Bratislava

          Bienniale of Little Format Sculpture, Pezinok

2006 SVS, Generation Encounter III, Exhibition Hall UBS, Bratislava

          Peruggia, Italy, SVS, Exhibition Hall UBS, Bratislava

          Little Format Sculpture, Absolvents of prof. Jankovič, Konsepti, Bratislava

         History and Present, Chateau Halbturm, Austria

          Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava

2005 Incheba, Bratislava

          Cité internationale des Arts, Paris, France

          SVS, Generation Encounter II, Exhibition Hall, UBS, Bratislava

          French Institute, Bratislava

2004 Contractual exhibition, Vienna, Austria

          SVS, Artistic Parallels VI, Exhibition of young artist, Pálffy Palace, Bratislava

          Cittá di Castello, Italy

2003 SVS, Members exhibition, Bratislava

          Exhibitions of young artists, Bratislava

2002 SVS, Slovak Radio, Bratislava

2000 West- Slovakian Museum, Trnava

1997 Sculpture in town, Performance, Bratislava

1995 Academy of Fine Arts, student's exhibition in Bratislava

1995 Academy of Fine Arts, student's exhibition in Kremnica

1994 Academy of Fine Arts, student's exhibition in Nitra


Robert Szittay



Born in 1972 Bratislava, Slovakia (former Czechoslovakia)


1993-1996 Academy of Fine Arts Bratislava

(Prof. Jozef Jankovič)

1998- Academy of Fine Arts Prague (Prof. Karel Nepraš)

1998-2001 Academy of Fine Arts Bratislava

(Prof. Jozef Jankovič)

2003, 2012 and 2016 Artist in Residence at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. 

Member of

Artist Association of Slovakia (SVS), Association of sculptors (SVU)

sculpture network, e. V., Munich, Germany

Focus Europa e. V., Germany


Bratislava, Slovakia

phone: + 421 903 546 526


Other activities

1994 Symposium, Lindabrun, Austria

1995 Book Illustration, LCA Bagala

2003 1 th Study stay, Cité internationale des arts, Paris, France

2004 Lector of sculpture, Letavy, Krokava

2005 Between Border and Dyke, Symposium, Bratislava

2010 Lecture in the Slovak Technical University, Bratislava

2012 2 nd Study stay, Cité internationale des arts, Paris, France

          Lecture in the Slovak Technical University, Bratislava

2013 Commemorate medal of the 1150th anniversary of the arrival of Saints Cyril and 

          Methodius to Great Moravia for relevant artistic contribution in fine art

2015 Biennart Umbria Certificate

2016 NEW YEAR’S BRUNCH’16, 7 th International Celebration of Contemporary Sculpture organized 

          by sculpture network e. V., Germany, hosted by Robert Szittay Studio in Bratislava, SVK

          3 rd Study stay, Cité internationale des arts, Paris, France

Digital Presentation & Printed Publication

2014 SPECTRUM Miami Art Show, U.S., December 3-7, ART UpCLOSE Gallery

          PREMIO COMBAT PRIZE 2014 competition, Livorno, Italy



          ArtExpo New York, April 23-26, ART UpCLOSE Gallery

          The New Collectors Book 2015, Basak Malone, ArtExpo New York, April 23-26

          Contest on Artavita (13th, 16th, 17 th), Santa Barbara, USA, Certificate of Excellence

          SPECTRUM Miami Art Show, December 2 - 6, ART UpCLOSE Gallery

          Art in America Annual Guide 2015 – listing

          World edition 2015 – A Survey of Contemporary Art, ART UpCLOSE

2016 Pier 94, Architectural Digest Design Show, March 17-20, Manhattan, NYC

          ArtExpo New York, April 14-17, ART UpCLOSE Gallery

          Art Monaco, October 27 30, ART UpCLOSE Gallery

          SPECTRUM Miami Art Show, U.S., November 30 – December 4, ART UpCLOSE    


          Contest on Artavita (18th, 21 th), Santa Barbara, USA, Certificate of Excellence

          Art in America Annual Guide 2016 – listing

Each of plastic can also be made as bronze casting
when interested in.

Robert Szittay - sculptor